Expert advice
As HVAC specialists, we can provide valuable advice to our clients on a variety of topics related to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. We can advise you regarding the selection the best equipment choice, the purchasing of repair parts and provide other recommendations tailored specifically to your home.
Here are some tips and advice we can offer to our clients:

By offering expert advice on these topics and others related to HVAC systems, we can help our clients keep their homes comfortable, safe, and efficient.
Contact us today at 514-917-6441 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our HVAC services and repairs.
Thank you for choosing the Entreprise B.Air team!

Rénoclimat Program

Program Description
This program was put in place to guide you in your renovation projects. You can take advantage of a free home visit from a Rénoclimat expert advisor and get personalized recommendations to improve your home energy efficiency. That also includes a possible admission to financial assistance under the Rénoclimat program if you are, for example, installing or replacing mechanical systems such as ventilation system, heat pump and others. Please note that you need to subscribe to the Rénoclimat program BEFORE starting your renovation project.
You can follow the link below for more information:

How to apply
Once the eligibility criteria have been verified, you can go to the section Steps to follow and complete the form required in step 1.
You can fill out the form at the link below:
Formulaire de demande de rendez-vous Rénoclimat (

Federal Greener Homes Program

Since May 2021, the federal government has also offered financial assistance to homeowners who want to carry out energy efficient home renovations. Find out more at the links below regarding:
- Canada Greener Home Grant Program;
- Canada Greener Homes Loan.
Federal Greener Homes Program (