When Is It Time to Have a New Furnace Installation in Montreal?

As a homeowner, you might wonder when it is time to stop doing repairs on your heating system and put a new one in its place. There is no easy answer one way or another. It is impossible to generalize based on one thing. However, several signs will show you need to get another system, from sudden temperature changes to the system’s age. When making a decision, it is best to talk to a technician to learn about the best replacement options open to you.

Age of the Device

You might wonder how long a regular furnace will last. Typically, it can run for about 15 to 20 years even with regular preventive maintenance. However, you might want to start considering a replacement 15 years or so after having it. The old furnace’s lifespan can also depend on the fuel it uses for heating the home.

Installing an electric furnace might be a better option than repairing your gas system because of the electric one’s longer lifespan. Even though newer gas furnaces have lower lifespans, they might not cost as much to operate. Plus, they can heat faster than electric ones.

Hearing Loud Noises When Running

Several sounds might indicate now is the best time for a new furnace installation in Montreal. You might hear rattling or humming sounds when it is in operation. Your furnace could have cracks, leaks, or other structural problems. Popping often happens when there are temperature changes in the furnace. Furnace parts are affected by the temperature shift. Screeching can occur when the lower motor or pulley is damaged, while rattling can happen due to detached equipment or ducts.

Temperature Changes in Your Home

You might want to consider a furnace installation if you notice the room temperature changes a lot. Once the old one is 15 years or more, it will not be as efficient, and it will not be able to distribute heat around your home well.

Soot Collecting Around the Register

You know that it is unpleasant to find dust and soot around the rooms. That might come with dry air in your home, and that can damage the chairs, flooring, and couches. If there are dead plants, it might be due to not having enough moisture in the air. Too much soot and dust around your home might indicate that your old furnace produces too much carbon dioxide.

However, it is not uncommon to find soot buildup near the grille and furnace register. The registers are air ducts that allow air to move around your home well.

Choose the Right Furnace Replacement

If you notice that you have been paying for furnace repairs more frequently and are having higher energy bills, it is time to consider replacing your existing furnace. Installing a replacement furnace is more cost-effective because it is efficient and reliable. The right furnace company will help you save on your bill and keep your family safe and warm.

2021-04-05T11:47:31+00:00April 5th, 2021|Categories: A/C & Heating Advice|Tags: , |

Lowering Your Home’s Emissions With a Heat Pump

Heat pumps are an excellent choice for saving money and reducing your home’s greenhouse gasses. But there are a few things you should consider before choosing and purchasing one. Keep reading to learn more about your options.

What Is a Heat Pump?

Heat pumps are part of your home’s cooling and heating systems, and the pump goes outside the house. Similar to an air conditioner, it works to cool your home. At the same time, it also offers heat in the colder months. It takes heat from the chilly air outside and moves it inside. When it is hot out, it takes heat from the air inside to make the air colder.

Electricity powers them, and they use a refrigerant to keep your home comfortable, no matter the weather. Since they both heat and cool your home, you might only need one climate control system.

If you live in a frigid area, you might add a heat strip to the fan coil inside, so the system works better. Unlike gas or oil furnaces, a heat pump does not burn fossil fuel. That makes it a more environmentally sound choice. Also the heatpumps are more economical in electricity consumption vi sa vi electric furnace. 

Energy Usage

Heat pumps move heat from one location to the next and do not generate it with fossil fuels. That makes them much more efficient than any other source of heat, depending on what area you live in. If you install an energy efficient heatpump you might have much lower energy bills each year, so it might be an excellent investment if you plan to stay in your home for a while. Plus, heat pumps might increase your home’s value when you do leave. You could end up saving or making a lot of money.

How Much Energy Are You Using?

A heat pump can save money, but if you waste energy in other areas, the cost savings will not amount to much. Look over your ducts, doors, windows, walls, and the other regions to ensure they are not leaking air from your home. We always advise our clients to spend more money on insulating their homes.

The best way to learn the answer to that question is to have an energy auditor or a home inspector to analyse your home. They can point out the deficiencies in your home and recommend you to fix them, so you do not spend money heating the outdoors..

The Importance of Picking the Right Contractor

Do your research to find the right contractor. Get more than one estimate. Search for reviews for that contractor and ask for their references. The cheapest contractor is not always the best option.  Ask contractors for any rebate programs in your area. Don’t be afraid to ask questions so you can make a more informed decision.

Closing Thoughts

It can be expensive to run your home, which is why you should try to save money where possible.

2021-03-30T10:20:19+00:00March 30th, 2021|Categories: A/C & Heating Advice|

Winter preventive maintenance for your heating system

Many homeowners and heating and cooling service companies overlook preventive maintenance for the winter months. It’s just as important to check a heat pump system before the wintertime as it is before the summertime, to maintain reliable and effective performance.

Here is the list of some but not all of the steps that a company can and should check during the preventive maintenance inspection.

Indoor Unit Inspection
When inspecting the indoor unit, be sure to check the air filter and electrical connections, and clean the coil. The following information is a useful guideline for proper indoor unit inspection:

Inspect the air filter. Depending on the condition of the filter, clean it or replace it with a new one.
Inspect the electrical wires to ensure a tight connection exists. Loose connections can cause wires to overheat and burn up.
Oil the blower motor or bearings if necessary. Inspect the blower wheel for balance and cleanliness.
Inspect and clean the indoor coil and drain pan.Use a cleaner that’s suitable for indoor coils.
Flush and clean the drain line. Remember to prime the trap, if necessary.
Turn on the auxiliary strip heat for inspection. If the unit uses electric heat, check all of the wiring for discoloration and heat damage. Replace all damaged wires.
Check the amperages of the electric elements. Verify the elements are staging on properly and shutting down properly.
For dual-fuel applications, conduct the appropriate preventive maintenance for gas furnaces.
Outdoor Unit Inspection
A well-maintained condensing unit coil is vital to proper heat pump operation. Other outdoor unit maintenance includes:

Inspect the condensing unit’s base-pan drain holes and remove any debris.
Check the unit’s wiring connections and the wiring insulation. Repair any damage.
Oil the condensing-fan motor, inspect the fan blade for any damage, and balance.
Verify the outdoor temperature sensor(s) are in the proper location.
The thermostat is an essential element of the heat pump system. Be sure to include it in your winter maintenance inspection. Verify all connections are tight on the sub-base of the thermostat and that the thermostat is level.

General Operation Maintenance

Turn on the system at the thermostat. Hookup your gauges at the condensing unit.
Measure and record the suction line pressure and discharge pressure of the system. Get a proper superheat and sub-cooling reading. The reading can help you determine if you need to troubleshoot any issues with the refrigeration system.
If necessary, check and adjust the charge in the system. Refer to the manufacturer’s charging instructions for the proper charge. If the unit is low on refrigerant, locate and repair the leak in the system.
Initiate a defrost cycle and check with the manufacturer’s instructions for the proper defrost sequence.
Check the operation of the indoor unit. Check and verify the supplemental heat is operating normally.
Inspect the duct work for any damage.
Preventive maintenance of heat pumps can lead to peace of mind for the homeowner. Many potential problems can be alleviated, and it may stop you from receiving late night maintenance calls when it’s cold outside.

2019-05-22T15:41:07+00:00October 17th, 2018|Categories: How To|


Energy savings, lower utility bills, and better indoor air quality are the three greatest benefits that you’ll enjoy when you replace your dirty furnace filters. An understanding of the role that air filters play helps explain why they’re so important:

  • Airflow. Even the most energy-efficient furnace can’t keep your home snug and warm without a well-operating air distribution system. If an air filter becomes so clogged and dirty that it restricts airflow, the system will have to work harder to get conditioned air through the ductwork. Dirt can also accumulate on the coils and further restrict airflow.
  • Heater performance. Dirty filters can cause dust, grime, and debris to build up on heater components, which can impair the efficiency of the entire heating system. Over time, the heater’s performance weakens while the energy usage steadily increases. Replacing a clogged filter can lower an HVAC system’s energy consumption by as much as 15 percent.
  • Indoor Air Quality. Filters are rated according to the number and size of particles that they can trap. In the rating system used, the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV), the higher the MERV, the better the filter’s ability to remove small particulates. An expert from B.Air can help you to select the best filter for your heating system.

2018-09-30T00:47:39+00:00August 31st, 2018|Categories: A/C & Heating Advice|

Choosing a Heating or Air Conditioning System in Montreal

Selecting an Air Conditioning System

There are three basic types of air conditioning units: central air conditioners, room (window) air conditioners and through-the-wall air conditioners. Homeowners generally choose an air conditioning system based on their needs and budget.

Central air conditioners distribute cooled air throughout your home via your heating ducts. Although generally more expensive, central air systems are long lasting.

Room (window) air conditioners don’t require professional installation. The unit can be installed in a window quickly and easily. This inexpensive option is appropriate for cooling one or two rooms at a time. However, it can’t service large spaces.

Through-the-wall units employ a heat pump system and are reversible. They produce cold air in the summer and hot air in the winter. However, they need to be paired with a heating system for temperatures under -12°C. They’re powerful enough for large spaces and can be fairly expensive.

If you have a limited budget and only need to cool a small space, a room air conditioner is the ideal solution. But if you need air conditioning in three or more rooms, we recommend spending a little extra for central air conditioning or a through-the-wall system, which you can also use to heat your home during the winter.


Selecting a Heating System

There are a number of options for heating your home through the Quebec winter. As with selecting an air conditioner, it’s important to consider various criteria before choosing a system.

Electric heating is one of the most popular options in Quebec. Electric heating systems are easy and inexpensive to install, and using them is a breeze. However, they use a lot of energy and will quickly increase your hydro bill.

Gas heating is cheaper than electric and just as easy to use. Gas systems also last a very long time. However, the cost of installation is higher.

Wood heating is very effective and eco-friendly. However, some municipalities prohibit it. It also requires a wood stove or fireplace, which can be costly to install.

If you’re looking for an option that doesn’t cost much to install, we recommend selecting an electric heating system. However, if you want to reduce your environmental footprint, you should consider paying a little more to install gas or wood heating.

2018-09-06T15:24:21+00:00March 1st, 2018|Categories: A/C & Heating Advice|
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